College of Arts and Sciences

Ancient Studies

Ph.D. Minor in Ancient Studies

The Ph.D. minor permits students to draw on courses from two or more departments outside of their home unit. A student might choose to group together courses from different departments that focus on a certain period (e.g., late antiquity) or topic (e.g., social history, archaeology). The Program is sponsored by the College of Arts & Sciences, but doctoral students in any IU unit may elect to take the minor.

This program offers a Ph.D. Minor only; all doctoral students at IU must complete a minor subject outside their home department. Those interested in the Program therefore must already be accepted into a doctoral-degree unit of the University Graduate School, and they should discuss the outside minor with the Director of Graduate Studies in their home department as soon as possible. Students also file an Ancient Studies Outside Minor Declaration Form with the Program Director. The Ancient Studies Program Director will normally serve as the student's minor advisor. When the student has completed the requirements for the minor, he or she should ask the Director of Ancient Studies to send a letter to that effect to the Director of Graduate Studies in the home department for the student's file.

Course Requirements

Students must complete twelve (12) graduate credit hours of appropriate courses outside their home department. These courses must be in at least two (2) different departments. No more than three (3) credit hours of directed readings can be applied to the minor. No more than six (6) credit hours of language study may count toward the minor, all of which must be above the elementary level. The minor advisor must approve the particular courses that are to be counted toward the minor.


Students must achieve a grade of B (3.0) or higher in order for the course to count towards the minor.