College of Arts and Sciences

Ancient Studies

The Program in Ancient Studies offers a Ph.D. Minor to help students develop an interdisciplinary approach to the cultures of the ancient Mediterranean and Near East. The program draws on the faculty of sixteen (16) departments and programs: Anthropology, Art History, Central Eurasian Studies, Classical Studies, Comparative Literature, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, East Asian Languages and Cultures, Folklore and Ethnomusicology, History, History and Philosophy of Science, Informatics, Jewish Studies, Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures (including Egyptology), Musicology, Philosophy, and Religious Studies.

Sponsored campus events include a Distinguished Lecturer Series and a Colloquia Series.

The Ancient Studies program is committed to promoting Indiana University's aspirations for diversity, equity and inclusion. For a full statement, please see our statement.

News & Events

Post-Classical Greek Reading Group
This group of faculty and students from across the University meets regularly each semester to read Hellenistic-, Roman-, and Byzantine-period Greek texts.

Contact Professor Jeremy Schott ( for more information.

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